Delivering the mails for Pliny, WV

The hillside in Pliny.

I am doing some editorial research for Newsbank, Inc., a company that has absorbed several other former LexisNexis friends. As I was working in the 51st Congress materials (1889) the other day I came a across the biennial "Official Register" and happened to browse for West Virginia listings as I often do when I pass lists of names.

Here is the title page of the 50th Congress 1887 edition. As you see this was a publication that identified all employees of the government as matter of public record.

Check out the West Virginia Mail Messenger page! The line for Pliny.

Here is a detail picture.

And from the 1889 edition, a detail.

I checked the 1885 and 1891 editions of course, other people were doing the job in those years. Moses no doubt had other things to do. Still for these several years in his late twenties and early thirties mail was a part of his life. I noted that both his predecessor and successor received more money. Either he was more efficient at the job or knew less well how to milk the government.

The stone in Pliny.


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