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Aha! The Maryland News and Kensington Gazette.

We quickly gathered that the partial head was in fact for this paper (Dad's memory) and then I found through Sailor, the Maryland state library consortial site, that the paper was collected and filmed, available at the Pratt Free Library in Baltimore.

So I called another of the many former CIS (LexisNexis) employees who is a good friend, now working at Pratt and went to have lunch and review some film.

I came away with copies of almost twenty two pages/ articles that encompass Mom's endeavor in neighborhood news. As you will see from the pages, this was one of a number of quaint community items that formed a section of the paper, post-war. By 1952 this personal and community aspect was on the decline.

Mrs. Wears was the collector-reporter for the Homewood area from May of 1951 to January of 1952. I suppose I was sufficiently in control by then, working on my scheduled May birthdate that she felt no need to continue this activity.

Here she is bylined as Mrs. L. R. in just a few weeks, they change that to Mrs. Betty.



Note, here at the end is a typical item, in this case, about our next door neighbors, the Hogans — and then the key to this column, a reminder to call in "your" news.


A complete collection of the pages I excerpted from the paper are available in PDF format at the end of the sequence.

The first article, May 4 1952.


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